

浏览次数:8957    发布时间:2012-08-08


New York



纽约州立大学(State University of New York,简称SUNY)体系下包涵了七十多所学校,其中包括了位于亚柏尼、宾罕顿(Binghamton)、水牛城、以及石溪市(Stony Brook)的州立大学。纽约州大约有两百二十所私立的大学院校,其中位于纽约市的学校有:哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)、柏纳德学院(Barnard College)、佛罕大学(Fordham University)、茱利亚音乐学院(Juilliard School of Music)、曼哈顿学院(Manhattan College)、纽约大学(New York University)、佩斯大学(Pace University)、普列特学院(Pratt College)、圣约翰大学(St. John’s University)、以及莎拉?罗伦斯学院(Sara Lawrence College)。其它私立的学校还有:位于汉米尔顿(Hamilton)的科尔杰大学(Colgate University)、位于以瑟佳(Ithaca)的康乃尔大学(Cornell University)、位于特洛伊(Troy)的伦瑟雷尔技术学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)、位于洛彻斯特的洛彻斯特大学(Rochester University)、位于赛瑞托加泉市(Saratoga Springs)的史基德摩尔学院(Skidmore College)、位于雪城的雪城大学(Syracuse University)、以及位于帕基普希(Poughkeepsie)的弗沙学院(Vassar College)。此外,纽约州还有四十所左右的两年制学院及小区学院。美国陆军学院(the United States Military Academic)位于西点市(West Point),而美国海岸防卫队学院(United States Coast Guard Academy)则是位于国王点市(Kings Point)。


哥伦比亚大学Columbia University(第8名);
纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学Binghamton University SUNY(第77名);
康乃尔大学Co rnell University(第14名);
纽约大学New Yo rk University(第33名);
伦斯勒理工学院Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst(第41名);
叶史瓦大学Yeshiva University(第50名); 
纽约州立大学石溪分校Stony Brook University SUNY(第96名);
雪城大学Syracuse University(第53名);
福德汉姆大学Fordham University(第61名);
纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学院SUNY Col. Envir. Sci.& Fo r.(第83名);



l Adelphi University

l Albany College of Pharmacy

l Albany Medical College

l Alfred University

l Bank Street College of Education

l Bard College

l Barnard College

l Boricua College

l Canisius College

l Cazenovia College

l City University of New York System

n Baruch College

n Brooklyn College

n City College

n College of Staten Island

n Graduate School & University Center

n Hunter College

n John Jay College of Criminal Justice

n Lehman College

n Medger Evers College

n New York City College of Technology

n Queens College

n York College

l Clarkson University

l Colgate University

l College of Mount St. Vincent

l College of New Rochelle

l College of Saint Rose

l Columbia University

l Concordia College-Bronxville

l The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art

l Cornell University

l Culinary Institute of America

l Daemen College

l Davis College

l Dominican College

l Dowling College

l D′Youville College

l Elmira College

l Excelsior College

l Five Towns College

l Fordham University

l Hamilton College

l Hartwick College

l Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

l Hilbert College

l Hobart and William Smith Colleges

l Hofstra University

l Houghton College

l Iona College

l Ithaca College

l The Jewish Theological Seminary of America

l The Juilliard School

l Keuka College

l Le Moyne College

l Laboratory Institute of Merchandising

l Long Island University

n Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

n Brentwood Campus

n Brooklyn Campus

n C.W. Post Campus

n Rockland Graduate Campus

n Southampton Graduate Campus

n Westchester Graduate Campus

l Manhattan College

l Manhattan School of Music

l Manhattanville College

l Marist College

l Marymount College

l Marymount Manhattan College

l Medaille College

l Mercy College

l Metropolitan College of New York

l Molloy College

l Monroe College

l Mount Saint Mary College

l Nazareth College

l New School University

l New York College of Podiatric Medicine

l New York Institute of Technology

l New York Medical College

l New York University

l Niagara University

l Nyack College

l Pace University

l Parsons School of Design

l Paul Smith's College

l Polytechnic University of New York

l Pratt Institute

l Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

l Roberts Wesleyan College

l Rochester Institute of Technology

l The Rockefeller University

l The Sage Colleges

l St. Bonaventure University

l Saint Francis College

l St. John Fisher College

l St. John's University

l St. Joseph's College

l St. Lawrence University

l St. Thomas Aquinas College

l Sarah Lawrence College

l School of Visual Arts

l Siena College

l Skidmore College

l State University of New York System

n Albany

n Binghamton

n Buffalo

n Stony Brook

n College at Brockport

n College at Buffalo (Buffalo State College)

n College at Cortland

n College at Fredonia

n College at Geneseo

n College at New Paltz

n College at Old Westbury

n College at Oneonta

n College at Oswego

n College at Plattsburgh

n College at Potsdam

n College at Purchase

n College of Agriculture & Technology at Cobleskill

n College of Agriculture & Technology at Morrisville (Morrisville State College)

n College of Environmental Science & Forestry

n College of Optometry

n College of Technology at Alfred (Alfred State University)

n College of Technology at Canton

n College of Technology at Delhi

n College of Technology at Farmingdale (Farmingdale State University)

n Downstate Medical Center

n Empire State College

n Fashion Institute of Technology

n Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome

n Maritime College at Ft. Schuyler

n Upstate Medical University

l Syracuse University

l Teachers College, Columbia University

l Touro College

l Unification Theological Seminary

l Union College

l Union Theological Seminary

l United States Merchant Marine Academy

l United States Military Academy

l University of Rochester

l Utica College of Syracuse University

l Vassar College

l Vaughn College of Aeronautics

l Wagner College

l Webb Institute

l Wells College

l Yeshiva University


纽约州的面积为十二万七千一百八十九平方公里。该州可区分为七大地理区域:圣罗伦斯低地区、艾迪朗戴克高地区、大湖低地区、哈德逊-莫哈克低地区、新英格兰高地区、大西洋沿岸平原区、以及阿帕拉契高原区。圣罗伦斯低地区位于该州的北方,该地区西起亚历山德拉湾,并以圣劳伦斯河与加拿大为界。艾迪朗戴克高地区位于该州东北方,其中有艾迪朗戴克山脉。位于纽约州西北方的大湖低地区紧邻着伊利湖和安大略湖。哈德逊-莫哈克低地区位于纽约州的中部以及东南方,其中包括了哈德逊河以及莫哈克河的河谷。纽约州南方的东部边界,有一半以上是属于新英格兰高地区。该地区由千普林湖一直延伸到曼哈顿岛。大西洋沿岸平原区包括了史丹顿岛、长岛(Long Island)、以及沿岸地区。阿帕拉契高原区是纽约州面积最大的地理区域,几乎涵盖了该州南方的大部份地区。纽约州最主要的河流有哈德逊河、莫哈克河、圣劳伦斯河、以及尼加拉河。该州主要的城市有:纽约市(New York City)、水牛城(Buffalo)、洛彻斯特(Rochester)、杨克斯(Yonkers)、雪城(Syracuse)、以及亚柏尼(Albany,州首府)。该州的人口超过一千八百万。




美国许多最著名的表演艺术中心都位于纽约市内,像是林肯中心(Lincoln Center)、艾佛瑞?费雪大厅(Avery Fisher Hall)、卡内基大厅(Carnegie Hall)、以及大都会歌剧院(Metropolitan Opera House)。纽约市同时也是纽约爱乐交响乐团、大都会歌剧团、纽约市立芭蕾舞团、纽约市立歌剧团以及其它许多表演艺术团体的所在地。水牛城、布鲁克林(Brooklyn)、长岛、雪城、洛彻斯特、以及亚柏尼等城市也都有管弦乐团。纽约市内的戏院区,包括百老汇(Broadway),每年都有将近一千场左右的首演演出。除此之外,纽约市内的各个公园,每年夏季也会推出多项表演活动。



纽约州大约有一百五十个州立公园以及六十处州立森林。在该州受欢迎的户外活动包括:健行、露营、划独木舟、泛舟、骑马、打高尔夫球、驾帆船、游泳、背重物健行、脚踏车、以及滑雪。纽约市内最受欢迎的风景区有:自由女神国家纪念区(Statue of Liberty National Monument)、布鲁克林桥(Brooklyn Bridge)、中央公园(Central Park)、帝国大厦(Empire State Building)、世界贸易中心(World Trade Center)、联合国总部(United Nations Headquarters)、时代广场(Times Square)、华尔街(Wall Street)、以及洛克斐勒中心(Rockefeller Center)。该州其它值得一游的地方还有:位于库柏镇(Cooperstown)的棒球名人堂(Baseball Hall of Fame)、迪孔德洛佳堡、赛瑞托加之役国家历史公园、以及位于亚柏尼的舒勒园州立历史区。


纽约州的批发业居全美国五十州之冠。纽约市内桥梁数目之多(2,100座),也是其它美国城市所无法媲美的。该州出过的名人有:演员/导演/作家/喜剧演员伍迪.艾伦(Woody Allen)、作家詹姆斯.包德温(James Baldwin)、美国第一位女黑人众议员雪莉.奇斯和姆(Shirley Chisholm)、美国第二十二及二十四任总统葛罗尔.克里夫兰(Grover Cleveland)、作曲家亚伦.克普兰(Aaron Copland)、演员汤姆.克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)、美国第十三任总统米勒德.菲尔摩(Millard Fillmore)、女演员茱蒂.佛斯特(Jody Foster)、作曲家乔治.盖希文(George Gershwin)、作家约瑟夫.海勒(Joseph Heller)、作家华盛顿.尔文(Washington Irving)、政治人物/剧作家克莱尔.布斯.鲁斯(Clare Booth Luce)、作家詹姆斯.米契纳(James Michener)、剧作家阿瑟.米勒(Arthur Miller)、作家亨利.米勒(Henry Miller)、剧作家尤金.欧尼尔(Eugene O’Neill)、工业家/慈善家约翰.洛克斐勒(John D. Rockefeller)、艺术家诺曼.洛克威尔(Norman Rockwell)、美国第三十二任总统法兰克林.迪兰诺.罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)、美国第二十六任总统希奥多.罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)、科学家约纳斯.索克(Jonas Salk)、民谣作曲家/演唱者彼特.希爵(Pete Seeger)、剧作家尼尔?赛门(Neil Simon)、社会改革者索久纳?土鲁斯(Sojourner Truth)、美国第八任总统马汀.梵.布伦(Martin Van Buren)、以及诗人华特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman)。

General Information

State Bird:Bluebird

State Flower:Rosa

State Tree:Sugar Maple

State Capitol:Albany

Area:218,401 sq. km



Major Cities:Buffalo /New York City


Industry Information

Agriculture Industry:Milk, Eggs, Beef, Apples and Potatoes

Fishing Industry:Clams and Oysters

Mining Industry:Stone, Zinc and Salt

Manufacturing Industry:Instruments, Clothing, Chemicals, Textiles, Rubber and Plastic Products



Spring Temperature (range):
6C/14C(New York City)

Summer Temperature (range):
19C/28C(New York City)

Fall Temperature (range):
10C/18C(New York City)

Winter Temperature (range):
-3C/4C(New York City)


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