

浏览次数:1463    发布时间:2017-02-23




Task 1


1. Which of the following study methods do you think is the most productive? Having discussions with friends, reading textbooks, or writing reports.


Personally, I think having discussions is the most effective study method. First of all, students get to exchange ideas when involved in class discussions. We can learn from each other about new ideas and perspectives. It's interesting to see there are so many different ways or approaches toward a single problem. It's mind blowing sometimes to see how differently people work. Also, it's fun to have discussions with other students. We get to challenge each other and have debates. When studying by myself, I can only read the notes and textbooks over and over again. My mind is usually very limited and I get bored easily.


2. Which of the following classes would you be more interested in taking: world economics, environmental science, or art history.


Personally, I think I would be more interested in taking art history. First of all, I draw and paint a little in my free time, just as a hobby. But I have never formally studied art or art history before. With this opportunity, II will be able to learn about different aesthetic approaches and get a chance to appreciate the artworks created by the most influential artists. On top of that, since I like to draw I stop by the art supply shop near our school all the time. I recently became friends with a bunch of art students in our school. They are very fun and creative. One thing kept bothering me is that I feel left-out when they get really involved in discussions about fine art. I wish I could contribute to the discussions and have an opinion of my own.


3. Research shows that people are supposed to sleep for at least 8 hours a day, but as a matter of fact, some people sleep for only 6.5hours. What do you think is the impact of sleeping to people's lives? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.


Personally, I think 8 hours of sleep is a prerequisite for an energetic and productive day. first of all, people will have a hard time concentrating due to a lack of sleep. During the finals week last semester, I pulled an all-nighter studying for my art history test. However, it did not work out the way I expected. Although I finished all the assigned reading materials in time, I was so exhausted the next day that I wasn’t able to concentrate on the test at all. Even though I had 2 shots of expresso in the morning, I still had trouble keeping my eyes open. I almost failed the test due to a lack of sleep. In addition, a lack of sleep can lead to devastating consequences. My uncle used to be a truck driver. He suffered serious injury from his car crash 2 years ago. He fell asleep behind the wheels early in the morning that day after he drove all night on the highway in order to meet his schedule.


4. Is it a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he/she was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details.


I do agree that universities should ask students to leave school if they were caught cheating in exams. First of all, it would not be fair to other students if the person got caught cheating gets to share the same classroom with everybody else. While the cheaters indulge themselves in video games and parties, hard-working students sacrifice their free time to study and review for tests. Secondly, it would encourage more students to cheat if the school sets the bar too low and mislead students to think it is ok to cheat. One time, one of the kids in my middle school class wrote down the formulas we were supposed to memorize on his table. The teacher only pointed it out and didn’t punish him. Consequently, everybody started writing things down on their tables since the second test.


5. A lot of experienced and inexperienced climbers attempt to climb Mount Everest every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?


Personally, I would describe the experience of climbing Mount Everest as frightening. First of all, I am personally very scared of height. I still remember the the last time I went to the amusement park. I wanted to challenge myself by going on a roller coaster ride. when I saw how high the roller coaster was going to get, my legs started shaking and even my voice began to tremble. I backed out at the last minute. Secondly, if you are not sacred of height, there are also countless avalanches you have to worry about. I remember reading a news report saying that the avalanches have killed more than 30 climbers in the past 2 years. The thoughts of dying and not being to see my family and friends ever again haunts me at night.


6. talk about an important decision you have made. Explain why this decision is important for you in details.


7. Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on the campus play field or auditing lectures?


I think going on a one-day campus tour would be the best way to get to know a school. First of all, if you only audit lectures given by professors in the school, you can only learn about the academic aspect of the school. however, campus life consists of many different aspects. joining a one-day tour will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the school. for example, I am determined to be an experimental physicist. outdated equipment will limit my research options. when I go visit a campus, I’ll check out the lab very carefully and see if the school has all the resources that I need. Secondly, campus tours are led by senior students, so I’ll get the chance to talk to somebody who has already experienced all aspects of campus life. Therefore, when deciding on a school, we are able to make an informed decision based on the information the tour guide gives to prospective students.


8. Which of the following periods in life do you think is the hardest, being a kid, a teenager or an adult?


When you are still a child, nobody expects you to fulfill any expectations. parents put more emphasis on developing children’s interests and the basic establishment of their characters. life at this stage is so much easier than after you turn into a teenager. i am in high school right now, i have to figure out what career i want to choose in the future and decide what type of person i want to become. once these goals have been established, it’ll be much easier to feel motivated to work toward something. now, i am just still in the dark, don’t know where i am going. the transition period when you are maturing into an adult is the hardest.


9. Your friend is going to a new school to study, what suggestion would you give him to help him blend in.


If one of my close friends is entering a new school, I’ll give them the following suggestions. First of all, he should leave a good impression by being friendly. I experienced something similar myself not too long ago. I recently became a new member in our science club. On the my first official club meeting, I brought 2 dozens of donuts and shared with everybody in the club. Everybody loved it and had a good time eating donuts. That was how I showed my friendliness and eased my way into the club. Bribing everybody with a little snack worked very effectively for me. Secondly, signing up for different social clubs and student organizations will also be a big help. He can meet a lot of like-minded friends and they can explore their common interests together, which will help him find a sense of belonging.


10. Describe a popular website in your country. Explain what people use it for and why it is popular.


Weibo is a very popular website in my country. It is among the most commonly-used social media platforms. Like what people do with all social networks, people in my country use this website to keep in touch with friends who live far away from them and they can know what their friends have been up to since everybody posts their latest status and news on their profile page these days. In addition, a lot of celebrity people also have official Weibo accounts. And sometimes they interact with their fans on their page, which has led the website to become very popular in China.


11. If one of your friends is always late for events and appointments, can you give some suggestion and advice to help him be punctual?


12. Which of the following library volunteer would you choose to do? Helping people find the right material, read to kids or keep bookshelf organized.


13. How was it when you went to school for the first time? Did you like it or not and why? Explain your answer in details.


I can still somehow recall the first day I went to school. I almost cried my lungs out since my parents were leaving me in a totally strange environment and with people that I had never known before. I was sacred and felt very insecure, therefore the crying went on for a while all the way until the first class started. The first class was science. Our science teacher brought us a bunch of candies, and whoever got a question right would be rewarded a piece of candy. I remember I scored 5 pieces of candy just for answering some common-sense questions. With the chocolate in my mouth, I started to think that school was a nice place to be after all.


14. What do you think the government should do to decrease the usage of cars or other vehicles and solve the traffic problems?


15. Which of the following activities do you think benefits young people the most? Doing team sports, talking to seniors of the community, or traveling.


I think traveling will benefit young people the most. First of all, traveling can help young people become more open-minded. For example, I went to America last year. I learned that gay marriage got legalized everywhere in the country. I gradually started to understand that love is nobody’s fault. Everyone shares the right to love regardless of the other person’s gender. I wouldn’t have thought about that myself if I hadn’t gone on this trip. Secondly, young people can learn a lot through traveling. There is an old saying in China that traveling a thousand miles offers more knowledge than reading a thousand books. When I travel, I learn about different cultures and customs. When I travel outside the country, I might even get to learn a new language.


16. Talk about the things your school can do to protect the environment on campus. Explain your answers in details.


There are numerous things our school can do to protect the environment. First of all, we should make our campus facilities more energy efficient. For example, we can replace the big class windows with smaller ones, which can result in less heating and cooling cost. This will reduce the demand placed on power plants. Most traditional power plants burn fossil fuel to generate electricity. Using less energy means less pollutants and carbon dioxide will be emitted, which will enhance our air quality and slow down the process of global warming. Secondly, our school can organize students to plant trees around the city. Trees absorb various pollutants and also carbon dioxide. Their roots can help conserve the soil and prevent desertification.


17. Your friend has a bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give the friend?


If my friend has a bad eating habit, I’ll give him the following suggestions. First of all, he should have a more balanced diet, which will be better for his health. When I was little, I only liked meat products and rejected all vegetables. As a result, I got sick all the time due to a lack of vitamin c in my body and had to go visit the doctor every week. After I started adding veggies to my diet, my immune system got strengthened. secondly, if his love for junk food is deeply rooted, he should at least exercise afterwards in order to burn off the calories. I love junk food myself, if I am extremely hungry, nothing can compare to the satisfaction of biting into a juicy burger. I always exercise afterwards after a big meal of fried chicken. although I eat junk food a lot, I am still able to stay fit.


18. If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what suggestions would you like to give them? Include specific details and examples in your response.


If my friends from another country were to spend time in my country, I would give them the following suggestions. First of all, they should always keep their smart phones charged and have their smartphones with them wherever they go. The GPS in their smartphones can be a tremendous help when they are in a new place and trying to explore. They can just type in the destination and the system will automatically plan out the closest route for them. Since they are foreign and most of them won’t be able to speak the local language, it will be almost impossible to ask for directions. Secondly, they also need to download a translator app in their phone. I used one when I went to Mexico last year. I was able to order all the things I wanted and express what I needed to people without a problem.


19. What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.


I’d always make a plan ahead of time and stick to it when I have an overwhelming amount of work. For example, I wrote a twenty-page paper for my history class last semester. I was pretty concerned about not being able to finish it on time so I sat down and made a plan before starting the essay. The first step of the plan was to go to the library and start the whole thing there so I would have all the right books and material I need for my research. The next step was trying to finish the first draft within two weeks. After that I’d show it to my professor for feedbacks and suggestions on how to improve it. I followed through with this plan and everything worked out pretty well in the end.


20. Some countries now take measures to attract a large amount of foreign tourists to their tourism sites. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of attracting a large amount of foreign tourists to tourism sites, give examples to illustrate your points.


Personally, I think attracting a large number of foreign visitors can boost the local economy of the area where the tourism site is located. For example, tourists will, at least, need to spend money on hotels, food, and transportation in the local area, which will bring in significant revenue. And of course, foreign tourists with different cultural background will make the area more international and more culturally diverse. However, one big disadvantage of this is that huge amount of foreign people may disturb the peace of the local residents. And it is also bad for the preservation of the site, as the site would suffer from more wear and tear due to the increase in the number of tourists.


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