

浏览次数:1575    发布时间:2012-12-27



在SAT考试前,大部分学生都会准备一些“万能”写作素材。怎么样用有限的作文素材写各种各样的题目而且不显得牵强呢?那就要学习我们的一例多用大法了,加强论述部分。这里给大家用Frederick Douglass举例。






教学难点2,一个例子多次使用(用Frederick Douglass的例子套两道不同类型作文题)
题目1:Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the opposite view. They see old memories as a chance to reckon with the past and integrate past and present.


Assignment: Do memories hinder or help people in their efforts to learn from the past and succeed in the present? (2005年6月作文题)


例子段:For one thing, the past deplorable circumstances may catalyze people to make a change and achieve triumph. Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Maryland. Like many other slaves, he was separated from his mother by the cruel slave owner from the day he was born and was always punished by the slave owner for his “misbehavior”. But Douglass luckily got a chance to learn reading. Through learning, Douglass began to question and condemn the institution of slavery, and realized that “knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom.” Looking back to his past miserable experience as a slave, Douglass was resolved and made every effort to overthrow the slavery system and to liberate all the slaves. He widely read newspapers, political materials, and books of every description, and taught the salves on the plantation to read. Apart from basic knowledge, Douglass also imparted the pursuit of freedom to the slaves, making them exposed to a new realm of thought. With his determination, Douglass managed to unite the slaves to fight against the slavery and became one of the foremost leaders of the abolitionist movement. It was his past dire experience as a slave that made him fully understand the darkness and dehumanization of slavery and firmly determine to subvert this evil system. Meanwhile, it was his study in the early days that helped Douglass to educate slaves and then to carry out antislavery movements. (218 words)


题目2:Some people say you should be content with what you have and accept who you are. But it is possible that too much self-acceptance can turn into self-satisfied lack of ambition. People should always strive to improve themselves and to have more in their lives—friends, things, opportunities. After all, where would we be if great people, both in history and in our own time, did not try to have more and to improve themselves?


Assignment: Is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to better themselves? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.(2009年6月作文题)


例子段:Although it is safe to accept the destiny and lead mediocre life, people should endeavor to realize the ambition deep down in their mind. Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Maryland. Like many other slaves, he lived a dire life and was always lambasted by the slave owner. But Douglass never succumbed to the harsh life. With a chance to learn reading, Douglass began to question and condemn the institution of slavery, and realized that “knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom.” Dissatisfied with the identity of being a slave, Frederick Douglass wanted not only to free up himself, but also to overthrow the slavery system. In order to achieve this goal, Douglass withstood all the difficulties, teaching the salves on the plantation to read and imparting them the value of freedom. With his determination and effort, Douglass managed to unite the slaves to fight against the slavery and made a big stir on the plantation. He also served as an adviser to President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and fought for the voting rights and other civil liberties for blacks. When living in deplorable social environment, people should aim high and strive for their bright future rather than accept their gloomy destinies . (183 words)



1. 如果要冲击满分,语言可以再polish一下,文章的开头结尾和整篇文章结构也是非常重要的。

2. 用经典作文素材也是可以得高分的,所以大家如果已经有10个/8个好用的素材,与其多花时间整理新的,还不如把手上例子弄弄好。

3. 无论用什么作文题材,大家一定要议论,光把例子拼上去分数不会高。






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