

浏览次数:2043    发布时间:2016-02-25




If you’re a fan of college-themed movies, then you’re probably already familiar with many of the stereotypes regarding life on liberal-arts campuses. But let’s perpetuate a few more just for fun, shall we?


Meet your future professors…



1. The Tweed. What better way to kick off our list than with the granddaddy of all professor stereotypes? This tenure-track prof is bespectacled, impossibly well spoken, and nowhere near OK with you eating Fritos in his class.

He drives: A vintage two-seater convertible, perfect for countryside jaunts.

He wears: Tweed blazers with reinforced elbows. (Obviously.)

His motto: “When I was at Princeton…”






2. The Activist. Whether she’s railing against corporate greed outside the student union or throwing the blinders off white privilege in a 100-level race and gender course, The Activist never gets too comfy. And neither should you. Expect some prickly moments… and a few revelations.

She drives: A heavily stickered rally van.

She wears: Comfortable footwear/shirts bearing the “no” symbol.

Her motto: “Open your eyes, people!”






3. The Hippie. Opposite The Tweed in many ways (though hardly a nemesis, as both are highly intellectual thinkers), The Hippie is all about freedom and positive energy, man. For bonus points, ask what it was like hiking the Pacific Crest Trail or where you can find the best local honey.

He drives: Birkenstocks and a bicycle.

He wears: Jeans/early Phish tour tees.

His motto: “This’ll blow your mind…”

3 嬉皮士。和老学究式的教授截然相反的就是嬉皮士教授咯!(这可不是贬低哦,毕竟两者都是智者啊!)嬉皮士教授全身上下充满了正能量并无拘无束行走校园种。当然,遇到这样的教授,当你问他在太平洋板块边缘上行走是什么感觉,或者你问他哪里可以是吃货聚集地,哪里是蒲地,你就找对人了!





4. The Adjunct. The Adjunct has a lot going on. He’s studying for his master’s, working full time, and his wife just had twins. Be patient if he seems a little frazzled. Maybe suggest that instead of chapter readings, your class could watch that new documentary that’s sort of related to economic theory? Your reward will be a fervent, appreciative smile…and maybe an A.

He drives: An increasingly crowded hatchback.

He wears: Slightly rumpled business casual.

His motto: “Is this ECON 305?”

4 助手型教授。助手型教授生活艰辛啊!他还在攻博,却全职工作着,老婆又怀了双胞胎,家庭负担甚重。如果他看起来有点疲惫,睡眼惺忪地,请原谅他。或许你们不会在课堂上对教材进行章节阅读,却会让你们看关于与经济有关的纪录片。你可能会从这样的教授那里取得热情的,赞赏的笑容,甚至是...A!





5. The Coach. Something of a higher-ed anomaly, The Coach would much rather be down at the track working on her PR than here teaching you the basics of human nutrition. Alas, there are bills to pay. The upshot? She will almost always be game for holding class outside and/or shooting basketball to demonstrate effective caloric expenditure.

She drives: Something Jeep-ish.

She wears: Breathable things with wicking qualities.

Her motto: Anything Coach K once said.

5 教练型教授。虽然这很不寻常,但是相比于在教室里叫你基本的人文知识,这种教授更喜欢社交和户外活动。没准她还带你们参加课堂外的投篮比赛来证明自己的过人体力呢!





6. The World’s Most Interesting Man. This professor has read more, traveled more, and generally lived more in the last year than most people do in a lifetime. Don’t bother trying to relate—just sit back and enjoy a semester’s worth of the most envy-inducing stories you’ve ever heard.

He drives: Trains, planes, camels, buses, cars, rickshaws, you name it.

He wears: Stuff that travels well.

His motto: “That reminds me of the time I…”

6 世界上最有趣的的教授出场啦!这种教授,读万卷书,行万里路,过着比别人都活色活香的生活。你就乖乖坐着,听一个学期世界上最让你羡慕妒忌恨又吸引你的故事吧!





7. The Writer. This professional wordsmith wrote all three of the required texts for his course. (Good luck selling them back, by the way, since he’ll undoubtedly pen updated versions by next term.) He composes scores of scholarly articles and thought-provoking op-eds, so he’ll naturally expect the utmost quality in student term papers. Hang in there, though—it could result in one heck of a recommendation letter down the road.

He drives: A used Honda Accord (still waiting for those royalties to kick in…)

He wears: Cable-knit sweaters/a beard.

His motto: “Bonus points for anyone who writes a favorable (logical, profanity-free, and grammatically correct) Amazon review!”

7 作家型加收。这类型充满智慧的作家教授总是自己编写自己的教材…让学生用自己的教材他还能每年更新重新销售赚钱呢!和自己总是写深奥的高深的文章,想法也与众不同,视角开阔,自然他期待看到他的学生作文有相同独特的见地!承受不了这样强大的教授?坚持住!说不定你能钓到一打前往知名公司的推荐信哦!





8. The Double Life. Who knew the same person teaching exchange-traded derivatives also moonlights at the local underground punk hangout or smoky blues bar? His voice may be hoarse from late-night belting, but his lectures are entertaining since he’s used to working the crowd. Catch his show with some friends to garner some gratitude—just don’t use it as an excuse for why you didn’t make it to class the next morning.

He drives: A re-purposed mail truck big enough to haul his gear.

He wears: Black jeans/V-neck T-shirts.

His motto: “Is this thing on?”

8 双面人。谁知道课堂里衣冠楚楚传授正儿八经的经济学理论的教授,夜里竟然会出没在地下朋克聚集地或者在烟雾缭绕的酒吧驻唱?上课时,他的声音可能因为连夜笙歌夜舞而变得沙哑,但是他的讲座总是因为他练就了长袖善舞、在人群中博得关注的本领,而非常精彩。你可以带上你的朋友去看看教授的夜间表演,但是绝对不要让这成为你第二天迟到的借口哦!







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